Der Kreative Dylan Duncan schenkt Gegenständen die Fähigkeit, zu denken und zu sprechen. So bekommen wir in „The Daily Dunc!“ allerlei alltägliche Situationen zu sehen, die gespickt mit Wortspielen, originellen Witzen und skurrilen Gedanken sind. Hier eine kleine Auswahl für euch!
„One of my main goals and hopes is to just put a smile on someone’s face and help them to forget any stress or anxiety that they may be going through. Even if it’s a really bad pun or dad joke, I hope that along with any eye roll comes a smirk or a giggle. That’s all I can hope for. And it’s really fun to also incorporate some personal stories, events, and my own fears and anxieties into the content; People have left comments or written to me saying that they really can relate to certain things, which is always such a great feeling. And it’s been amazing creating some cool connections with other artists and even my followers!“
Weitere dieser humorvollen Comics gibt es auf dem Instagram-Profil @thedailydunc zu sehen.
Quelle: boredpanda
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