Bob Eckstein hat unter anderem bereits Cartoons für das MAD Magazine, The New York Times, Reader’s Digest oder das Wall St. Journal gemalt. Mir gefällt sein Hang zu absurdem Humor, der relativ trocken übermittelt wird. Hier ein paar seiner besten One-Panels.
I’ve always been interested in mysteries and I love Sherlock Holmes so in 2000 I decided to write and solve a mystery myself although I didn’t want it to be about crime. Instead I wanted to try to answer one of life’s great questions like, Who made the first sandwich? or Who told the first joke? At the same time I noticed there weren’t many holiday books that were nondenominational. So I chose the mystery, Who made the first snowman? and I began my quest of who was the first person who decided to put one snowball on top of another and add a face. – [Artist Statement]
Bob Eckstein hat eine eigene Website und ist auch auf Instagram. Zudem hat der Comic Artist bereits einige Bücher veröffentlicht (Partnerlink).
Quelle: „Bored Panda“
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