Davidlap hat mal wieder diverse andere Instrumente auf seiner Gitarre gespielt. Dieses Mal unter Zuhilfenahme von anderen Utensilien, wie bspw. einem Luftkompressor, der ungeahnte Sound-Effekte ermöglicht.
„I tried to get closer to the sound of some musical instruments with my acoustic and electric guitars, without using pedals, midi, synth or special effects. I discovered that using an air compressor it is possible to get close to the sound of wind instruments: the compressed air makes the strings vibrate and allows to get a sound very different from that of the guitar. Playing on different strings and different octaves, by selecting the different pick ups, it is possible to obtain different timbres. The instruments were reproduced using the clean sound or at most some distortion. I use only objects to change the sound of the guitar. Enjoy it!“
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