Wer gerne in Sachen Kurzfilmen erkundet, ist bei Wettbewerben immer ganz gut aufgehoben. Einer mit sehr interessanten Vorgaben ist Takeaway Scenes, bei dem nicht nur mit One Takes-gearbeitet wird, sondern auch die Filmschaffenden komplett anonym bleiben. Kuriose Vorgaben, die zu einigen richtig tollen Ergebnissen geführt haben. Ich habe noch nicht alle sieben Kurzfilme, die ihr hier eingefügt bekommt, komplett sehen können, aber da sind einige sehr kreative Umsetzungen dabei.
Die Vorgaben
„Creating without claiming
Doing without taking credit
Guiding without interfering
This is primal virtue“
I. Scenes are composed of 2-5 actors, no exceptions.
II. Scene scripts must be adapted from a stageplay or originally written.
III. Scenes must be filmed in a single continuous take. No cuts. No cheating.
IV. Camera submits to the performers. It should not inflict itself upon them.
V. Film lights are prohibited. Only natural lighting or practicals allowed (e.g. a lamp, a fire, car headlights).
VI. Participating actors must write their own character backstories.
VII. After shooting, the favored take must be selected within 24 hours with the actors present to review takes if they desire and are available.
VIII. Non-diegetic music may not be added in post (no score).
IX. There will never be credits for anyone involved. Participants will never publicly reveal or acknowledge their own involvement with a scene, or release any information that would reveal anyone else’s involvement with the Takeaway Scenes project.
X. Scenes will only be featured on official Takeaway Scenes channels with a distinct number/word moniker.
I. Honesty is king.
II. Perfection does not exist. There is only experimentation.
III. There are no schedules, regular events, or deadlines. There are only scenes, and the people crazy enough to make them.
001 Bouquet
„Emily and Sean experience a misunderstanding.“
002 Saints
„An ex-priest meets a woman in a lonely parking ramp.“
003 Vassanova
„A shitty dealer meets a shitty rockstar and things go shitty.“
004 Motherfucker
„Jackie got a job today.“
005 Jumpers
„One way or another, Paul is getting Cody off the roof.“
006 Teapot
„Two sisters remember their childhood a little differently.“
007 Blessing
„Three shots of vodka and an adoption before noon.“
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