Es wird mal wieder Zeit für neuen kurzweil-ICH-Content. Dieses Mal konnte ich das Indie Pop-Duo MS MR für einige Fragen gewinnen. Die beiden New Yorker geben Preis, welchen Stellenwert das Internet und seine heute möglichen Wege, Musik zu teilen, für sie hat und warum sie so viel Vergnügen daran haben, Remixe von Songs zu erstellen.
1. Have you ever heard of the myth, that bond girl Honor Blackman nearly did die playing her role in “Goldfinger”?
2. I ask because of your video for Hurricane. I kind of feard for Lizzy, having all that blue paint on her. What kind of experience was that for you?
Lizzy: It wasn’t as „uncomfortable“ as I expected it to be. It took a long time to paint on and wash off but while I was blue, it didn’t feel that strange except that I was worried about touching the walls and leaving paint everywhere!

3. Spotify counts over 4 million streams of your songs – just in the last two months. What to you as a band think of modern music platforms, curse or blessing?
Blessing – what a unique time and way to connect directly with our audience!
4. Because of your experience with and over the internet, you did call your album „secondhand“ Rapture. Isn’t that underestimating your music?
For us the album title is a reflection on the way our most personal relationships are mediated, especially through modern technology – „secondhand“ does not refer to the music, but to the environment that surrounded our writing process and the relationships that informed it.
5. Artists that did influence you the most?
We both love a great range of music, and write in a way that makes it hard to point to individual artists since we don’t do a lot of referencing. But while we were recording this record Lizzy was listening to a lot of Beach House and the Weeknd and Max was listening to Robyn and Lykke Li, so those artists absolutely affected our writing, if subconsciously.
6. Once you said to write the best music „when there’s something crazy happening in the air”. What is the craziest thing that happened to you and did affect your music directly or indirect?
The hurricanes that hit New York over the past two years.
7. What comes first in your musical process: lyrics or melody?
No two songs seem to start the same way, so it could be either.
8. You already did cover Arctic Monkeys‘ Do I Wann Know? BBC Radio 1. Is there a song or band you always wanted to do a cover version of but did not dare to?
We love doing covers and nothing really feels off limits. We don’t think covering a song means you’re trying to replace or be better than the original; the two can coexist. It’s a chance for us to reinterpret a song in our own way and to sort of pay homage to the artists that inspire us.
9. Also you are fond of making remixes. What is it you want to transfer with your interpretations of existing songs other musicians?
Remixes are an exciting way for Max to continue to explore his sound and develop as a producer and for us to put our stamp of approval on songs we think deserve recognition. They’ve been instrumental in pushing Max’s production in new directions – he tries to reinvent his sound with every remix, both honoring the original and trying to inject a bit of the MS MR sound into the track.
10. Always my last question: „“ means something like „boreyourself.not“ – what do you do when you feel bored?
Lizzy: Tumblr.
Max: I write tracks.
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