kurzweil-ICH: Interview mit Paramore Paramore

Niemand geringeres als Paramore-Frontfrau Hayley Williams stand Rede und Antwort im Kurzinterview. Der energetische Rotschopf sprach über die Neuerfindung der Band, das neue Album Paramore und welchen Bezug sie zu Daft Punk besitzt. Zu schade, dass das Interview nicht persönlich ablaufen konnte, wäre sicherlich unterhaltsam geworden.

Congratulations to your new album! What makes “Paramore” to something special and differs to the earlier albums?

This record wasn’t an easy one to come by. It took a lot of dedication to the whole process. Through all the frustrations and then the triumph of actually completing it, we just feel so completely connected to it in a way that we’ve never really felt for anything else we’ve done as a band.

You mentioned that this “album is you” and therefore named after you. It was a “rediscovery” of yourself.

Yes it is. We grew up a lot together over the last 3 years and had to relearn what it meant to us to be in this band and what it means to be better friends to each other.

Are you searching for new main members of the group or are you working with studio and touring members for now?

Paramore is Taylor, Jeremy, and I… and the three of us are really happy being a trio. We do, however, have some of our good friends playing with us on the road. Jon Howard, Justin York, and Miles McPherson are with us now. Ilan Rubin played on the album and has toured with us a bit but now he’s back with NIN for a while. We’re lucky to have so many talented friends, honestly. Obviously, we wouldn’t be able to play the shows or anything without their help.

I really like the idea and style of the interludes on the new record. Are you willing to experiment more often now with this feature?

Yeah, definitely! We’ve always wanted to do something like that but it just never happened before.

What comes first in songwriting: lyrics or melody?

Usually, I listen to something that Taylor is working on, like a riff or a beat… then I get little melodic ideas or a lyrical theme from that. It’s hard to say which of the two come first for me though. I feel like I write lyrics and melody simultaneously! It’s weird. I wish I understood where it all actually comes from. It doesn’t really make sense to me how songs come from basically nowhere or nothing and become something completely infinite.

What song or band is on repeat on your iPod/stereo/whatever right now?

„Get Lucky“ by Daft Punk, Purity Ring, Lemuria, What’s Eating Gilbert, and as always, The Cure.

Always my last question: what do you do when you feel bored?

Ehhh, my answer may actually bore you… I search on various sites for cool crafts and house projects I can work on. A Beautiful Mess, Etsy, Fab.com. Basically, I’m a big home-body. I love to feel at home, even if I’m not physically there. So, outside of music, home goods usually get me by.

Zum Schluss dann noch das aktuelle Musikvideo der drei zu Still Into You, einem der besten Tracks der Platte. Hatte ja angekündigt, dass das eine Hit-Single wird…

Paramore: Still Into You [OFFICIAL VIDEO]

Beitrag von: Maik Dienstag, 4. Juni 2013, 16:40 Uhr


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