Am 1. August erscheint die neue Platte des Duos, das schlicht Angus & Julia Stone heißt. Dabei hat das australische Geschwister-Duo Unterstützung von Produzent Rick Rubin erhalten, ohne den ein gemeinsames Album der beiden wohl zunächst nicht möglich gewesen wäre.
„Dieses Album ist außergewöhnlich. Angus und Julia sind wirklich einzigartige Künstler. Sie sind authentisch und ehrlich und alles, was sie tun, kommt von Herzen. Ich habe noch nie zuvor mit solchen Menschen gearbeitet“ – Rick Rubin
Was die Stones über Rick Rubin denken, wie man downunder Weihnachten feiert und wie wichtig Tennis für sie ist, erzählt uns Julia Stone im kurzweil-ICH-Interview.
How does it feel to get an email from Rick Rubin?
It was such a surprise, totally out of the blue. I remember where I was when I read the letter – I was in bed in London. My friend, Jessie read the email and said ‘you better read this’. It was kind of confusing, it was just so unexpected.
What did you think in the beginning an Angus & Julia Stone album would sound like with Rubin involved?
We didn’t have many thoughts about that. We were still getting used to the idea of getting back together to make music. It wasn’t something we were planning, so the sound of the record never really came into question. Even when we were writing and recording it was all just unfolding. I guess the closest we got to talking about it before we got into the studio was Rick saying he wanted to make a record that grooved.
„Angus & Julia Stone“ is your third studio album as a duo, but the first one you did write songs together for. Therefore you decided to call it what it is – your first real album together?
Ha! No- it’s not our first real album, the other albums are real. It’s a funny thought. I suppose in a way it feels like a new chapter for us. We definitely came together on this record in a way that we hadn’t before. We wrote together, we sang in the same vocal booth…. I think, because we’d had so much time apart we were much more open hearted and open minded about the whole experience. We had established a sense of independence in that time apart and that made us both a lot more relaxed about this project.
What was the main difference in the process of making the record together compared to the solo albums before?
I love working with Angus. He is always very upfront and honest with me. He never bullshits me… and that works in and out of the studio because I always know if something isn’t right he will say something.
Were there songs on the record you haven’t been fond of in the beginning and now are your favorites – or vice versa?
Yes! I really didn’t want to put ‘A Heartbreak’ or ‘My Word For It’ on the record. Angus was adamant that they were good songs. Now I love those two songs.
Who put the cat outside?
Hopefully the next-door neighbour, she looks after the cat while we’re on tour.

Your track „Little Whiskey“ could also be a song by Kings of Leon. Is there a band or artist you’d like to make a song together or have a feature with?
I would love to sing with David Bowie some day.
If you would have to describe your new record as a sport – what would it be?
Tennis for sure.
You happened to play trumpet and trombone in a school band (also along with your sister Catherine playing saxophone) – do these instruments still come out every Christmas holiday?
Christmas is reserved for volleyball, the beach, guitars and seafood…
Will there be a new Angus & Julia album after this or do you think you’ll have enough of each other soon and there will be solo albums from each of you?
It’s so hard to know. We had all kinds of thoughts about what would be happening in our lives and as it turns out, we are on quite another path to what we thought. Its such a mystery what comes next.
„“ means something like „BeBored.not“. Therefore my last question always is: what do you do when you feel bored?
I like to read, to crochet, to play tennis, to play squash, to make tea, to cook food, to drink and eat with friends, to play music, to sleep, to lie in bed all day, to watch movies, to lie in the sun, to dive in the ocean, to surf, to sail, to walk, to run.
Thanks for the interview.
Hier könnt ihr (zumindest je Track für einige Sekunden) durch das neue Album hören. Meiner Meinung nach durchaus gelungen, auch wenn mir einige der (Einzel-)Vorgänger besser gefallen haben.
Auf Tour kommen die beiden sympathischen Singer Songwriter auch für einige Termine zu uns nach Deutschland:
09.11.2014 Offenbach – Capitol
10.11.2014 Hamburg – Grosse Freiheit 36
12.11.2014 Berlin – Tempodrom
13.11.2014 München – Tonhalle
14.11.2014 Köln – Palladium
Wer mehr über Julia und Angus erfahren möchte, kann ihre Website besuchen, oder ihnen auf Facebook oder Instagram folgen.
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