Ich habe glaube ich nie wirklich mit K’NEX gespielt, aber Tyler Bower hat es geschafft, aus den LEGO-Technik-ähnlichen Bausteinchen mit der Hilfe dreier Motoren, einigen Sensoren und Programmierzeilen eine funktionierende Pinball-Maschine zu bauen. Krasses Teil!
„A Makey Makey (5:42) is a circuit board that plugs directly into a laptop and is used as the input for the program that displays the score. The Makey Makey only requires two pieces of conductive material to complete a circuit which indicates to the laptop that a specific key is being pressed. A Scratch code is used to interpret the keystroke inputs from the Makey Makey to perform such actions as play sounds and change the score on the laptop display. 12 “sensors” throughout the machine (5:30) allow these connections to happen on command. The 8 main targets lead to a sensor on their corresponding chain lifts to trigger the score. Another sensor signals when the ball goes into the top slot in mini pinball. There’s also a sensor that detects when a ball is lost, which triggers a “ball lost” sound for the player and tells the program that the player is one ball closer to “game over”. The final two sensors detect when the player pulls the red knob to launch a ball, which plays a sound effect, or the grey knob, which resets the game.“
Noch viel mehr Informationen zur Maschine gibt es in der Videobeschreibung auf YouTube zu lesen.
Quelle: kraftfuttermischwerk
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