Die freischaffende Illustratorin Samantha Mash ist Freundin klarer Linien und ausladender Charakter-Designs. Große Formen treffen auf intensive Farben und die ein oder andere kreative Idee, die Editorial-Bebilderungen hervor bringt. Hier einige Beispiele aus dem aktuellen Online-Portfolio der Kreativen aus Portland, Oregon.
„Samantha Mash grew up in the dry marsh area of Palo Alto, California. After graduating high school she headed north to forested Portland, Oregon where she has resided ever since. Samantha currently works as a freelance illustrator and illustration instructor at Pacific Northwest College of Art. She is open to email inquiries for commercial work, gallery exhibitions, and other creative projects. Samantha is interested in the place of iconography within her illustrative work. Her art is heavily focused on symbolism and the human form which she uses to explore concepts of vulnerability, identity, anxiety, repression, and freedom. She is currently focused on pushing the space between line work, shapes, and light to create a sense of fluidity, color, and form. Her outside interests include ecology, conservation, and social equity; all of which she is actively pursues in her free time both within and outside of her artistic practice.“ (Artist Statement)
Weiterer solch toller Illustrationen lassen sich auf der Website von Samantha Mash entdecken. Außerdem ist sie auch mit Profilen bei Behance, Instagram und Twitter unterwegs.
Quelle: theinspirationgrid
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