Hyperrealistische Malereien von Johannes Wessmark Johannes-Wessmark-malerei

Als wäre es nicht bereits herausfordernd genug, Proportionen, Schattierungen und Hautstrukturen von Menschen fotorealistisch zu malen, steckt Johannes Wessmark seine Motive auch noch in und unter Wasser! Der schwedische Künstler schafft wahnsinnig realistisch anmutende Bilder, die teilweise selbst bei sehr genauem Hinschauen wie Fotografien aussehen. Absolut genial gemacht! Ich meine, schaut euch alleine mal die Haare auf dem folgenden Bild an – genial!

„When I was 10 years old I decided I wanted to clean my own room to make sure it was done the way I liked it. I also sorted all of my toys in straight lines and in color order, and of course, I drew and painted a lot. With much more details than other kids my age. My mother noticed my artistic and creative interest and one day I and my little brother got to choose one music LP disc each. My brother went straight for a popular rock and roll artist and I chose Beethoven’s 7th symphony – the Fate Symphony. Not a typical choice for a 10-year-old but typical for me. That’s how I was and in some way still am. My mother wanted to encourage my artistic vein and one day she bought me the book ‚The boy who wanted to paint the world’s most beautiful painting‘. Of course, nobody knew then that I would become one of the worlds leading hyperrealist artists but it was probably a gentle push in the right direction by my mother. My pedantic way of ordering my life is not as obvious any longer, but you will still see it in my paintings where detail and perfection are always important ingredients.“ (Artist Statement)

Weitere sehenswerte Arbeiten von Johannes Wessmark lassen sich auf der Website des schwedischen Künstlers entdecken, der auch auf Behance und Instagram anzutreffen ist.

Quelle: theinspirationgrid

Beitrag von: Maik Donnerstag, 20. Januar 2022, 12:35 Uhr

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