Blog-Dauergast Chris Biela (zuvor hier) hat mal wieder die Kamera ausgepackt und tausende Fotos geschossen, sie kunstvoll aneinandergereiht und als Video veröffentlicht. In „Chicagopolis“ geht er dabei erfreulich abwechslungsreich und experimentell vor. Von Jahreszeitensprüngen bei Locations über tanzartige Flugeinlagen bis hin zur obligatorischen Bohnen-Zeitraffer-Sause in der windigen Stadt. Und das alles dieses Mal unter der Prämisse, die polnische Ader Chicagos einzufangen.
„I invite you to a time lapse/hyperlapse journey through Polish Chicago made from my sequences shot over two year period. Four seasons similar to climate in Poland made this geographical area perfect for settling. Chicago – home of immigrant Poles and Americans of Polish heritage. The biggest Polish city outside of Poland. Chicago’s Polish presence is felt in the large number of Polish American organizations located here; including the Polish Museum of America, the Polish American Association, the Polish National Alliance. With over a 1,000,000 people of Polish ethnicity in the Chicago metropolitan area. Chicagopolis is an acronym stating that Chicago is Polish in so many ways and also as a big Metropolis. Interpretation is left for the viewer.
Shot with Canon 5D Mark III, two Manfrotto tripods, Kessler TLS slider. Processed in Lightroom 5. Edited in Premiere Pro.“
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