Himalaya - An Everest Time-Lapse Film Himalaya_An-Everest-Time-Lapse-Film

Elia Saikaly hat satte 3.408 Einzelbilder in das Timelapse-Video „Himalaya – An Everest Time-Lapse Film“ fließen lassen. Ähnlich flüssig wirken auch die zu sehenden Sequenzen, von denen mir vor allem der Einblick in das Basiscamp-Gewusel imponiert, wo viele Leute voller Hoffnungen auf die Erklimmung des Mount Everests rasten.

„The story behind the images:
Some of us are vocal and social when it comes to our pain, others suffer silently and quietly like warriors waiting out the storms of life. As I assembled these images, I was flooded with memories I had tucked away deep in the vault of my past, images in some cases I am only seeing for the first time after almost 5 years.
2014 and 2015 were devastating years on Mt. Everest with the highest recorded number of fatalities. I was there for both seasons. I got lucky in 2014 and was trapped above the avalanche that claimed the lives of 16 Sherpa men. In 2015 I was hit directly by the tidal wave of snow that took out EBC that claimed the lives of over 18 people. I was again, fortunate to survive. It took a long time to sort this all out emotionally and psychologically. I took a break for a few years while I constructed a new narrative and quietly dealt with the post traumatic stress. Leaving the footage alone on my hard drives was a part of that strategy.
You’d never know by watching the imagery, in particular the time lapse-pan at basecamp (1:35) by day with the low hanging clouds, what was really going on during that time. Focusing on the beauty rather than the devastation was the only way I knew how to deal with the situation at the time.“

via: vimeo

Ein Kommentar

  1. Runsoenke says

    Wunderschöne Bilder

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