Bald ist wieder Halloween – die ideale Jahreszeit für Jean Marie Smith. Im „Creasey Mahan Nature Preserve“ in Kentucky erstellt die amerikanische Künstlerin Jahr für Jahr gigantische Heufiguren, die Popkultur-Charakteren nachgestellt sind.
„After reviewing popular trends and interviewing friends and family, I finally settled on which characters I would use. My criteria include one book character, one iconic cartoon character, and something for all ages. Some of the bales are double-stacked, or placed on end or on sides, depending on the character to be sculpted. I so enjoy watching parents and children gather around the bales for photos as they create warm and lasting memories. I love hay bale sculpting so much that I already have plans for next year that include Bert and Ernie from Sesame Street and Smokey the Bear!“
Weitere originelle Heuballen-Skulpturen von Jean Marie Smith gibt es auf Bored Panda zu sehen.
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