Ihr wisst, was diese Reihe bedeutet: Claire Saffitz für Bon Appétit und uns alle in der Küche. Dieses Mal, um Hot Pockets nachzumachen. Das erscheint auf den ersten naiven Blick von mir eher nicht soo schwer. Oder…? Meine Güte, das Video hat rund eine Dreiviertelstunde(!) Dauer. Das werden noch Kinofilme in Überlänge, wenn das so weiter geht…
„Everybody remembers where they were on that day in 1983 when Hot Pockets first appeared. It was a giant leap into the future. A miracle some called it, for nobody could seem to say where the Hot Pockets came from. They just existed. Food, and therefore humanity, would never be the same again. The efficiency, the culinary explosion, a modern miracle that truly served as an evolutionary step for all of mankind. An entire meal in a pocket that you could hold in your hand. Joy in the streets was met by existential dread. Where could humanity go from here? Had we truly reached our civilizational zenith? Religions formed over night, some might even say cults. But then a second flavor appeared. And then a third. And now over fifty, each richer and more complex than the last. Since that day in 1983, humanity has been on the precipice of our next phase of being, but for one obstacle in the way. How are you supposed to eat a Hot Pocket without burning the hell out of the inside of your mouth? I mean, come on. It’s crazy hot, but it’s seriously impossible to wait just five minutes until it comes out of the microwave. No, I need it now. Give me that Hot Pocket.“
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