Eine wirklich geniale Gebäudeprojektion im polnischen Breslau. O (Omicron) zeigt uns die Kuppel der Hala Stulecia, die satte 65 Meter Durchmesser misst. Die Kreation ist permanent intalliert, könnt ihr auch also auch live anschauen, wirkt sicherlich genial, wenn man direkt drunter steht. Aber auch so kann die Variante im Videoformat vollends überzeugen. Zusätzlich gibt es sogar noch ein Making of zur Installation.
„The piece proposed for the Centennial Hall of Wroclaw is based around the notion of timelessness in architecture, and the idea of what future has meant throughout the 20th century.
Taking the 1910’s as a starting point (the dome was erected in 1913), historical and artistic references were used to reveal the architecture of the space.
By using references such as Fritz Lang’s Metropolis or the utopian projects of Archigram to confront the different visions of the future at different times, Romain Tardy and Thomas Vaquié were interested in trying to create a vision of a future with no precise time reference. A timeless future.“
O (Omicron) / Making of from Romain Tardy (AntiVJ) on Vimeo.
DIRECTED by Romain Tardy & Thomas Vaquié
ARCHITECTURE by Max Berg (1913)
VISUALS by Romain Tardy, Guillaume Cottet
MUSIC composed by Thomas Vaquié
2D / 3D MAPPING by Joanie Lemercier, Romain Tardy
via: vimeo |
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