Taehoon Park und Kollegen haben mit „Dreaveler“ ein gar nicht soo futuristisches Setting gezeichnet, in dem sich der Protagonist mit einer Art Virtual Reality-Helm in diverse Reisedestinationen träumt. Von fantastischen Naturwelten bis hin zu vermeintlich stinknormalen Wohnzimmern. Visuell ist das Ding verdammt stark inszeniert!
„The future mankind has extremely extended their lifespan by highly advanced technology. The only way to meet death exist as a type of euthanasia. Death managing company ‘DREAVELER‘ which have researched a diversity methods of euthanasia invented a brand-new system which makes people travel their dreams and memories during REM sleep before the last sleep. The system also named ‘DREAVELER’ compound word of Dream & Travel focused on soothing people who get bored with a desolated future and filled with nostalgia for the nature of a vanished past.“
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