Fotograf Brad Walls war hier im Blog bereits mit Luftaufnahmen von Ballerinas oder auch Synchronschwimm-Pool-Bildern am Start. In seiner neuesten Reihe bleibt es faszinierend sesshaft, allerdings wird ins trockene Element gewechselt. Synchron-Sitzen auf Dünen oder Synchron-Buddeln im Sandkasten, wenn man es kindisch ausdrücken möchte. „Detached, in harmony.“ heißt das Set, von dem ich euch gerne ein paar Motive an dieser Stelle zeigen möchte.
„In creating ‘Detached, in Harmony’, Walls wanted to harness nuance and meticulous attention to detail to mirror the state of the world during the pandemic. Like many, the artist had experienced how distant and repetitive life had become, and placed a keen focus on this element in his work. Through his take on the topic, Walls presents these concepts using repetition, symmetry of figures, and negative space throughout the series – trademark compositing techniques that can be observed throughout Walls’s greater body of work. Each frame within the series is carefully arranged, placing the model at even lengths and highlighting the shadow cast to highlight our solitude and the lurking darkness of the era. Walls’s choice to have the models posed mid-movement emphasises the uniformity and surrealism of the series. As he explains, ‚The figures are purposefully static, to symbolise how we have been frozen in time over the past 18 months.'“ (Artist Statement)

Weitere Arbeiten von Brad Walls gibt es auf der Homepage des Fotografen zu sehen, oder ihr schaut mal auf Instagram vorbei.
Bilder: Brad Walls
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