Der an der amerikanischen Westküste lebende Rory Hamovit erstellt Kunst in so ziemlich allen Bereichen. Bewegtbild, Malerei – und eben Fotografie. Dabei zeigen seine Bilder oftmals sonderbare Momente des Lebens, zumeist in Schwarz-Weiß gehalten. Hier eine kleine Auswahl für euch.
„My natural intuition, preternatural even, is to anthropomorphize everything I see, to give each object a soul and voice, to consider them a friend until they can be proven to be a foe. There is thought about the plane on which souls exist, one different than the conscious dimension in view daily. There are glimpses of alternate dimensions, of course, through telescopes, microscopes, refractions of lights, and in mirrors and shadows. These are the elements of the lens. My photography is formed by tradition and by imagining what new can come from tradition. My imagination is my friend and foe because it expands my universe but can hinder it, too. It has deformed reality, reshaped it, distinguished it. The plane of souls is colorless, grayscale, historic, even at times noir. The parallel world created by lens, light, and shadow remains, as ever, black-and-white.“
Weitere Arbeiten von Rory Hamovit lassen sich auf der Website des Fotografen sowie auf Instagram finden.
Quelle: booooooom
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