Jeanne Simmons lebt in Washington und sehr naturnah. Mit ihren Arbeiten möchte die Künstlerin auf die Verbindung zwischen Natur und den Menschen eingehen, was nicht selten auch wörtlich gesehen transportiert wird.
„My goal is to express, as beautifully and as compellingly as I can, the contents of my inner world and imagination, as well as my preoccupation with the relationship between humans and nature. With my work, I attempt to describe a connectedness between us and our environment that seems to have been all but forsaken. I hope to nurture this dynamic relationship, which is our birthright and obligation, and to perhaps even rekindle and reawaken a yearning for it in others. Simultaneously, I hope to satisfy my own need to embed myself in nature.“ (Artist Statement)
Weitere originelle Bilder von Jeanne Simmons lassen sich auf ihrer Website sowie auf Instagram finden.
Quelle: thisiscolossal
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