![Food Art von Laleh Mohmedi Laleh-Mohmedi-food-art-2022](https://www.langweiledich.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Laleh-Mohmedi-food-art-2022.jpg)
Laleh Mohmedi aus Melbourne hat einen Sohn und eine Tochter, die regelmäßig kreativ angerichtete Speisen auf ihren Tellern vorfinden. Die in Form kindlicher Figuren arrangierten Lebensmittel wissen nicht nur die Kids zu bespaßen (und nebenbei Gemüse „unterzujubeln“), sondern auch tausende von Leuten weltweit, die Mohmedis Food Art mittlerweile im Web folgen.
„In May 2015, I turned my son’s pancakes into a lion for a bit of fun and he loved it! Every few days he would ask if I could make him a character from a movie, book or toy that he had seen. Jacob and I would get creative in the kitchen and discuss the ingredients that we were using and the benefits. For example, when he was 3, we would talk about how kale was a superfood. He would ask why, and I would say ‚because superheroes love eating it‘ – that was a winner for him! I started posting our creations on my personal Facebook page and had such a positive response that I thought I would create an Instagram account to inspire other parents to get creative in the kitchen.“
Weitere dieser kreativen Speisen gibt es auf dem Instagram-Profil @jacobs_food_diaries zu sehen.
Quelle: „Bored Panda“
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