Geniale Kompositionen

Film Titles von Fernando Dominguez

Die Intros oder auch Title-Sequencen von Filmen und Serien sind ja so eine Kunstform für sich. Ein genialer Mann seines Arbeitsbereiches ist Fernando Dominguez, der unter anderem diese schnieken Animations-Kompositionen für die Filme „MUSE“ und „TORO“ erstellt hat. Klasse Stil! Ich lasse immer erst die Ästhetik der Videos selbst für sich sprechen, darunter findet ihr dann jeweils eine Einschätzung von Dominguez selbst zu seiner kreativen Arbeit.

„I created this opening titles for the Jaume Balagueró´s new film ‚Muse‘, a thriller based on the novel ‚La Dama número 13‘ by José Carlos Somoza. The Dante´s Divide comedy has an strong presence on the ‚Muse‘ film since the main character, Samuel, has an special link with literature. The opening titles are based on one of the Divine comedy´s infernos: The fate of suicides. Since the suicides have ‚denied the God-given sanctity of their bodies on earth,‘ they are deemed unfit for human form. The soul grows into an anguished and gnarled tree. The placement of the soul is haphazard and disordered – ‚anywhere that fortune tosses it‘ – analogous to how the Suicides treated their bodies. The opening titles are a representation of this tate of suicides´s inferno, the human anatomy is the main character of the piece. Melted bodies forming abstract forms mixing and forming trees, nature elements and surrealist creatures inhabit this fiction.“

„For this project i was contacted by the spanish film director Kike Maíllo to create the main opening titles for his second film ‚Toro‘. Toro is an action thriller that takes place during 48 frantic hours.Two brothers meet again after five years. They embark on a journey by a violent Andalusia, mythical, rugged and wild. A journey in which old wounds appear and in which the brothers are forced to reconcile himself to save their lifes. The opening titles are a journey through the landscapes where the movie takes place. Inside a dreamlike atmosphere we discover the characteres and information that will be revealed in the film. The landscapes are working not only as evironments or dead natures but as characters too.“

Quelle: designcollector

Beitrag von: Maik Sonntag, 16. Februar 2020, 15:55 Uhr

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