NASS zeigt uns einige beeindruckende Aufnahmen vom Sunset Boulevard vor 70 Jahren. Schaut, wie viele Oldtimer da unterwegs sind! Also, damalige Neufahrzeuge, versteht sich. Die Fahrt führt uns von Hollywood bis zum Sunset Strip in Los Angeles. Retro-Reise-Feeling pur!
„a time travel Trip Sunset Boulevard from Hollywood to the mid-Sunset Strip in California in 1952, we can clearly see what is happening in broad daylight,
Video Restoration Process:
✔ FPS boosted to 60 frames per second
✔ Image resolution boosted up to HD
✔ Improved video sharpness and brightness
✔ Colorized only for the ambiance (not historically accurate)
✔sound design added only for the ambiance
Please, be aware that colorization colors are not real and fake, colorization was made only for the ambiance and do not represent real historical data.“
Quelle: kraftfuttermischwerk
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