Rus Khasanov hat mal wieder Farbe mit diversen anderen Flüssigkeiten vermengt und die Kamera gaaaanz nah draufgehalten. Heraus kommt auch in „UNITY“ ein Farbenmeer der schönen Aufnahmen. Mittlerweile ist das dann aber doch irgendwo immer recht ähnlich. Schön ist es aber natürlich dennoch anzuschauen.
Auf Behance gibt es noch einige Informationen zur Entstehung dieses Videos:
„This was last fall, I was called for commercial shooting in Seoul. We had 3 shooting days. The central idea was to get this shot: two paint balls on a clean colourful background merge into one big ball. It sounds pretty simple, but really… no matter what I did, such a shot did not work out in any way, any tricks, influences came down to one result: the paint balls simply burst and the paint settled a bright spot to the bottom. Or the paint balls froze for minutes side by side and then burst. For all these shooting days, a bursting paint ball was a real nightmare for me. A lot of beautiful footage were shot, but I couldn’t catch the main footage. Only on the last day of filming I did get the required few footage for merging paint balls, but it’s chance and luck. A couple of months later, as a result of experiments with various ingredients, I found an easy and stable way for the paint balls to be attracted to each other, merged and not burst. When you master the technique, you can already playfully turn the flaws into advantages: now in the bursting paint ball I see not a nightmare, but a bright colorful explosion which reminds me of fireworks.“
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