Ja, das scheint hier so eine halbe Auftragsarbeit oder Kooperations-Geschichte mit einer DNA-Heritage-Aufschlüsselungs-Seite zu sein, aber was Shal Ngo hier mit „HAPA“ abliefert, ist schon große Klasse. Nicht nur, weil der Film inhaltlich zum Nachdenken über Herkünfte und vor allem gesellschaftliche Konstrukte anregt, sondern vor allem, weil der Videoschnitt der absolute Hammer ist. Sehr abwechslungsreich, kurzweilig und originell gemacht, klasse!
„What does it mean to be biracial? I’ve struggled with this question my entire life. I partnered up with Tribeca Film Festival and 23andMe to try and find the answer with my short film: Hapa. It’s a very personal story that digs deep into my family roots, DNA, and identity. I filmed across the USA and Vietnam, and combined documentary, stop-motion animation, and stream-of-conscious narration to put it all together.“
Produced by Stephanie O’Neill and Shal Ngo
Director Of Photography – Jared Levy
Gaffer – Evan Cox
1st AC – Flemming Laursen (Los Angeles)
1st AC – Hannah Germaine (Minneapolis)
Art Director – Jamie Jacqueline McGuire
Production Assistant – James M. Black
Production Assistant – Jessica Henry
Production Assistant – Shantelle Lee Cuevas
Director Of Photography – Ray Lavers
Production Coordinator – Paul Vi Minh
Additional Photography – Sarah Sandnes
Production Assistant- Ngoc Phan
Production Assistant – Attiss Ngo
Edited by Shal Ngo
Music by Attiss Ngo
Special Effects by Brett Harding and Josh Kane
Color by Bobby Lam
Post Production Audio by Retrospace Audio
Sound Design, Audio Editing, Mixing & Mastering by Joey Secchiaroli
Shal Ngo
Poldi Gerard
Abdullah Saeed
Zeshan Malik
Nhu Lam Ngo Nhu
Thor Olson
Attiss Ngo
Hoan Ngo
Sarah Sandnes
Tanimah Mehrotra
Austin Rodrigues
James Moten-Black
Jessica Hanna
Sachiko Ishida
Kirk Wilson
Nardeep Khurmi
Brett Harding
Kristin Gibler
Jared Levy
Stephanie O’Neill
James Moten-Black
Abram Hodgens
Kevin Vu
Poldi & Thor
Viet & Lam
Mason Orfalea
Sarah Sandnes
Quelle: staffpicks
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