Isabel Fay singt uns ein Lied über all die Personen im Internet, die gerne mal ihrem Unmut in tendenziell beleidigender Form in Kommentaren Ausdruck verleihen. Produziert von Clever Pie kommt Love You Hater in schöner Retro-Musical-Optik daher und lässt jeden dahin schmelzen. Immer mit mindestens einem Augenzwinkern. Sehr schön dabei auch die Integration von z.B. einem bärigen Internethelden.

„Dedicated to hard working internet trolls everywhere. Love ya, keep on trollin‘!“

Thank You Hater! - by Clever Pie and Isabel Fay


Well hello friend Mister Insightful
Thank you for your comment on my little Youtube clip!
Most people say you’re cruel and spiteful,
But you’re right, how do I sleep at night? I am a massive prick.

They call you hater well they’re just jealous
Your constructive pearls of wisdom give me thrills I can’t deny
How will we know if you don’t tell us
We could improve our Youtube channels by „fucking off and dying“?

Some might say you are a…
Sexually aggressive, racist, homophobe, misogynistic,
Cowardly, illitterate, waste of human skin,
Sexually aggressive, racist, homophobe, misogynistic,
Cowardly, iliterat, waste of human skin,
But I say: thank you beautiful stranger.

I love the way you don’t upload things
You know we’d be too dazzled by your cinematic vision
But you’re there on every comment string
Where you teach us, just like Jesus but while wanking like a gibbon.

I’m really sure that if I met you
You probably wouldn’t rape me like you promised that you would
We are like „that“; I really get you
You’re right about that laughing kid, he is a total „cnut“.

(Samba instrumental)

You wished me cancer and misspelled „cancer“
But I know that it’s a metaphor. You hope that I will grow,
Just like the tumour you hoped would kill me
Inside the tits on which you said you’d also like a go.

You said that girls shouldn’t do funny
But you’d fuck me double hard and let your mates go after you.
Oh what a line you lovely honey.
Are you on e-harmony? Oo! I’ll join the queue!

Some might say you’re a…
sexually aggressive, racist, homophobe, misogynistic,
cowardly, illitterate, waste of human skin,
sexually aggressive, racist, homophobe, misogynistic,
cowardly, iliterate, waste of human skin.

But if it wasn’t for you my darling,
I would never have written this tune.
Some might say that You’re So Vain,
But this song is all about you!

via: Gilly
Beitrag von: Maik Sonntag, 10. Juni 2012, 20:11 Uhr

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Ophelia: Love & Privacy_Settings

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