Den Traum eines jeden Jungen Mannes träumt auch Spielefanatiker und TopGear-Moderator James May aus Groß-Brittanien. Denn der baut aktuell doch tatsächlich ein zweistöckiges Haus, in dem er danach leben möchte. Und das aus ganzen 816 Millionen (!) Einzelsteinen. Auch die Einrichtung wird gegen Ende des Monats komplett aus Legosteinen fertig gestellt sein.
„This two-story Lego palace, which resides in the middle of a vineyard, sports a working bathroom, and is covered inside and out with bricks pieced together by 272 Legos. Over three million bricks were used to build the Lego pad, so doing some quick math here – that’s over 816 million Lego pieces!“
May: „The idea first came up over a beer, when we were talking about what we would have built as kids if we had enough Lego. Your imagination is always bigger than your stockpile when you’re a kid. Up until now, the largest thing I’ve ever built with Lego was probably a plane or a battleship, because that was all I could build with the amount I had.“
„I’m planning to stay there for two or three days, or until it falls down – whichever is sooner. I’m pretty relaxed about it, but will just have to be careful moving around. If I wake up buried under a pile of bricks I’ll know it’s gone wrong.“
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