Ach komm, hier mal was zum Wachwerden. Klingt hier und da ein bisschen nach der Paramore-Formel, nur eben die Anfänge mit etwas mehr Screamo-Faktor. „New Waves“ stammt aus der aktuellen Dream State-EP „Recovery“ (Partnerlink), die am 17. Mai diesen Jahres erschienen ist.
„I wanted to show our fans, as I know a lot of them are going through their own troubles, that they have it in them to push through it. Sometimes we have to face our battles alone, but there is always going to be that inner voice that tells you that you’ve got this and that is the one you need to be listening to. We had so many amazing quotes sent through that any weak moment I had during the filming process, I had all these amazing, positive quotes surrounding me that brought a tear to my eye and it helped me perform better than I ever have. I hope our listeners can take from this and see that they have that strength in them too. They are surrounded by people just like them and they are not alone with it. Practice positive thinking.“ (Sängerin CJ)
Wer die Waliser live erleben möchte, kann das bald tun:
Dream State Tour 2018
29.09. Oberhausen (D) Turbinenhalle
16.10. Wien (A) Arena
19.10. Leipzig (D) Täubchenthal
21.10. Berlin (D) Astra
25.10. Hamburg (D) Markhalle
26.10. Hannover (D) Faust
27.10. Wiesbaden (D) Schlachthof
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