Der in den USA geborene und mittlerweile in Neuseeland lebende Kreative Stefan Morrell erstellt eindrucksvoll detailliert gestaltete Hintergrund-Motive und Concept Art. Hier eine kleine Auswahl für euch.
„I have been developing various types of digital arts for 2 decades now. In the past I traveled the world for inspiration until I have realized that the ultimate inspiration is within myself. However, a person must see in order to imagine. That’s why I still take a closer look at ordinary objects, futuristic designs and so much more so I can provide a better type of digital art. I must say, the digital trend is so1mehting that is changing as we speak. All of us must advance on a regular basis in order to get the chance to create a digital footprint.“ (Artist Statement)
Weitere digitale Kunstwerke von Stefan Morrell kann man sich auf dessen Website oder auch bei Instagram anschauen.
Quelle: iamag
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