Für die BBC Schottland hat das Animations-Studio Playdead vier Videos animiert, in denen die Grundsätze von Grafik & Design erläutert und vor allem dargestellt werden. „Space“, „Balance“, „Emphasis“ und „Pattern“ heißen die Kapitel, deren Inhalte zwar vermutlich jeder, der irgendwas visuell Kreatives macht, kennt, aber so ein kleiner allumfassender Rundumschlag kann ja nicht schaden – und letztlich kann jeder Inspiration aus den gewählten Animations-Formen ziehen.
„The commission by BBC Scotland ‘Bitesize’ was for a series of short online videos to help students studying Art & Design across GCSE in England, Wales, Northern Ireland, and for National 4 and 5 qualifications in Scotland. Quick, clear visuals, scripted storytelling and the ability to convey key information in a thought-provoking way was priority. Bold visuals that read well on a range of devices was also essential. These were specifically designed to be eye-catching, with imagery that reflects a range of visual and tactile art and design, helping students to retain information. Consideration was also applied to reflect the interests, language and humour of the audience.“
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