Timelapse-Video "Islands in the Sky"

Die Schönheit der Faröer Inseln

Die Schönheit der Faröer Inseln islands-in-the-sky

Mit „Islands in the Sky“ liefert Fotograf Jose A. Hervas ein gelungenes Stück Timelapse-Video, das uns die Landschaft der Faröer Inseln näher bringt. Ohne unnötig herumspringende Hyperlapse-Fahrten, ohne viel Brumborium, ohne wirkliche Zivilisations-Einschübe – einfach nur Berge, Wiesen und Wasser. Schön.

„Faroes Islands are a truly spectacular place for photography, such an amazing location, with a lot of drama on its cliffs and a really amazing light. This time it has not been really easy to do this work, because to reach the most famous sites like Drangarnir, Traelanipan or the lighthouse of Kallur you have to walk long distances on a complicated terrain due to its inclination, also the photographic equipment and the drone weight’s, made it very hard. Practically the entire trip was planned with the help of the Photopills application, which it is possible to know the movement and time of the Sun, Moon etc … as well as many utilities for photography. About the camera movements, I used the new and lightweight slider called Scout, made of aluminum, a great tool to perform magnificent movements in a simple way.“

via: vimeo

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