Chris Illuminati hatte damals seinen Job gekündigt, um für sein Kind da zu sein. Es selbst zuhause aufziehen war ähnlich teuer, wie eine Ganztagesbetreuung, also wozu überhaupt arbeiten? Mit der Zeit hat er all die Alltäglichkeiten eines Daheim-Bleibe-Papas mit Humor und vor allem Post-Its genommen. Auf die schreibt er in wundervoll direkter Art die Wahrheiten und Untiefen auf. Klasse!
„After the birth of my first child, I quit my job to be a stay-at-home dad, or SAHD for short, though I never use that acronym because it looks and sounds too much like the word ’sad‘. […] One day, while still home on maternity leave, my wife left me alone with our newborn son for the first time. Before leaving, she politely reminded me of all the duties I was to perform while she was gone. ‚I better write this all down,‘ I joked, and grabbed some post-it notes and a black Sharpie. I wrote, ‚don’t forget to feed and keep the baby alive‘. A week later I found the note on the floor of my office. It made me laugh. On that day, the website was born. Eight years, two kids, a separation and over 350 notes later and I’m still writing notes.“
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