Das ist ja mal eine super interessante Autofahrt! David Park hat ein Video einer alten Reise aus dem Jahr 1988 entdeckt, die bei ihm in der Nähe stattgefunden hat. Kurzerhand hat er sie nachgestellt, um aufzuzeigen, was sich in den 34 Jahren seitdem geändert oder eben nicht geändert hat.
„I randomly found this YouTube video and knew exactly where he was starting because it was only a couple miles from where I grew up and where he was ending his drive because I live only a couple miles from there now. I got that weird itch telling me I had to re-create the video as faithfully as I possibly could (I even said „Wrong way!“ like he does at :35 seconds) so on a weekend, I piled the kids and my dad into the car and off we went!“
Hier noch ein paar Weitere Informationen zur Umsetzung des Videos:
Because he shot the original video on a Friday evening in 1988 and I was driving the route on a Sunday afternoon, it’s not a direct 1:1 recreation so I decided to get a little creative:
• I kept and used the original audio as opposed to try to recreate it
• I marked up certain landmarks on the original video in order to sync my drive with his
• I tried to color correct my HDR footage as best I could to match his SDR video (my iPhone shot in HDR vs his original VHS)
• I did my best to recreate his focal length and angle but only had limited resources. I figured lining up the landmarks did just as good a job
• I kept his original frame height, scaled my 4K footage down, and doubled his original frame width to split the screen evenly
Went back to the original video I shot. Here’s some fun stats for you:
• Shot on 7/17/22 at 1:54pm
• Took us 22 minutes and 25 seconds from start to finish
• Artificially created the date and time on my video in order to „match“ the ’88 version
• Edited on 7/19/22 (hence the date stamp)
• Adjusted the 1:54p start time to match the original to the minute.
Didn’t think it would matter since for me, the intention of the exercise was to see the visual changes, not traffic conditions. The date and time were so incidental it didn’t matter for what I was going for.
Quelle: „The Awesomer“
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