
Im Gespräch mit Gitarrist Graham Coxon

Die Geschichte hinter „Song 2“ von Blur

Maik - 21.11.20 - 8:39
Die Geschichte hinter "Song 2" von Blur blur-song-2-geschichte

Einer DER Überhits der letzten Jahrzehnte, mit dem vermutlich so ziemlich alle etwas anfangen können, ist „Song 2“ von Blur. Produce Like A Pro spricht mit Gitarrist Graham Coxon über den Track, der auf so viele Weisen besonders ist. Woo-hooo!

„The song was written to poke fun at the Grunge music that was bog in America at the time. Graham Coxon was tired of doing complicated parts and wanted to do something simple, but horrible and make as much noise as possible. The song was tracked in Maison Rouge Studio, with the vocals recorded live, and lots of fuzz and distortion on the guitar, producing the loud, extreme sound Coxon was aiming for. The song also featured two drum kits, with Dave Rowntree and Graham Coxon both banging on the drums simultaneously. The track’s title was originally just a working title, representing the track’s placement on the album, but the name stuck. In the end, the numerology works out well, as the song is not only the second song on the album, but is 2 minutes and 2 seconds long, features 2 verses and 2 choruses, and eventually peaked at #2 on UK charts.“

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