Boogiehead hat sich die Arbeit gemacht, die vermeintlich wiederkennbarsten Songs der letzten 100 Jahre (also Jahr für Jahr) aufzustellen. Dabei sollte man vermutlich alles bis in die 60er zurück kennen, nehme ich an, aber gerade die ersten Jahrzehnte ab 1923 haben dann teilweise doch erschreckende Fragezeichen für mich parat gehabt…
„Christmas songs, songs from animated films and children’s songs are excluded due to the fact that they would make up almost the entire list otherwise. I define ‚recognizable‘ as what percentage of people living anywhere where popular music is played will recognize any given song as of today. Another thing that I never mentioned in previous videos like this is how much of the song is recognizable. For example: if a song has a guitar riff that everyone knows but that’s it, I don’t consider it more recognizable than a song that has many parts the average person has heard. Obviously all of this is just opinionated, it can’t physically not be.“
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