César Luton studiert Animation an der französischen MoPA und hat im Rahmen dessen den Kurzfilm „Désir de Contemplation“ geschaffen. Mit gefällt die Dynamik der Erzählung, die erst sehr verhalten beginnt, um sich dann immer schneller zu werden. Weitere Details zur Entstehung des Videos gibt es hier.
„During the second half of my third year in school, we had to make a one-minute short film by ourselves. The goal of the exercise was to make sure that every student has a good grasp on all of the aspects of CG animation before we specialize during our fourth and fifth years. We learn 3ds Max and Maya in school, but I decided to go with Blender for this project, as it is by far my favorite of the bunch. One of the biggest challenges of this project was to tell a compelling story in just one minute. I opted to do only the most important scenes, and leave the rest for people to figure out.“
Quelle: staffpicks
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