Kennt ihr diese Thriller, bei denen man eine Seite liest und gen Seitenende mehrere Möglichkeiten der Fortsetzung erhält? Je nach Auswahl muss man dann blättern und springt so im eigentlichen Buch hin und her, sich eine eigene Geschichte zusammen blätternd. Genau dieses Prinzip macht sich Tic Tac Tome zu Nutze und lässt den Leser gegen das Buch Tic Tac Toe spielen. Denn das besitzt eine eigene Intelligenz und ist angeblich kaum zu schlagen. Gerissen!

Frequently Asked Questions Which the Book Will take Its Very Valuable Time in Order To Answer:
Q. Can I play as „O“s rather than „X“s?
A. NO. Next question.
Q. Is it possible to beat you at Tic-Tac-Toe?
A. I am an expert. I hate to break it to you, but it is nearly impossible for you to win.
Q. Do you have true consciousness? Are you aware of your own existence?
A. Aren’t I answering you right now? Of course I have consciousness. The real question is do you truly exist or are you just a manifestation of my paper-based imagination?
Q. You may be good at Tic-Tac-Toe but seem to lack friends and have no social life.
A. On the contrary one of my best friends is a chess playing book. However we aren’t able to get together as often as I might like due to his mobility issues. Also I do note that this wasn’t a question, but more of a statement. However, I answered because I felt sorry for you.
Q. Did you see WarGames?
A. Yes. Matthew Broderick is one of my favorite actors. I’m assuming this is the part where you make some snide comment about „The only winning move is not to play“ or some such nonsense. Let me tell you, the WOPR was an idiot.
Product Features
•Artificially Intelligent book can beat you at tic-tac-toe
•Completely free choice of any move. You can move first, or the book.
•Over 1400 pages
•No electronics or batteries needed
•Measures 4.25″ x 4.25″ x 2.25″
Brilliante Idee. Ich bin wirklich baff!