Vergangene Woche fand die Comic-Con in Sand Diego (SDCC) statt und auch bei der 2022er Veranstaltung haben sich etliche Cosplayer:innen nicht lumpen lassen und ihre teilweise extrem detailliert und hochwertig gestalteten Kostüme zur Schau getragen. Hier einige Videos, die Highlights zusammengestellt haben.
„Marvel Comics cosplayers including Iron Man, Ant-Man, Spider-Man, Storm, Pepper Potts, Loki, Tony Stark, JJ Jameson, Jr and more met up at San Diego Comic Con 2022 for a photo and video shoot.“
„The SDCC cosplay did not disappoint for 2022! I’ve never seen more group cosplay at a convention before! The Boys and the Resident Evil groups stand out in my mind and they were something to behold! Keep in mind this video was a small sample of cosplayers that I recorded.“
„As promised part 2 from my SDCC 2022 trip. Again another great batch of group/duo cosplayers. As cosplay becomes ‚mainstream‘ you’ll probably see more groups popping up.“
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