Altpapier-Recycling auf ganz und gar künstlerischem Niveau führt der Brite Jonathan Callan durch. Aus hunderten Büchern und Papieren erstellt der Künstler riesige Skulpturen. Einen Schlag Lack drüber und fertig ist das Kunstwerk tausender verfasster Worte.
„The work I make with books is rarely illustrative of the text. This a deliberate choice. For almost everyone the text in a book is regarded as sacred. For me, to have an illustrative approach to each specific book would be to accept the false divisions that are made between form and content. So the new meanings that I try to write across the books are usually more oblique. Many are so oblique that the viewer might never know of any connection to or from a book.“
Weitere Bilder von Callans Werken gibt es auf dessen Website zu sehen.
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