Vermutlich haben wir alle schon einmal diesen Moment gehabt, in dem wir in einer Wolke eine bestimmte Form gesehen haben. Der irische Künstler Chris Judge hat während der Coronavirus-Lockdowns damit begonnen, in Wolken gesichteten Formen mittels gezeichneter Linien Nachdruck zu verleihen. Das Projekt „A Daily Cloud“ ward geboren, das seitdem Tausende Menschen online zu unterhalten weiß.
He was spending a lot of time in the garden with his wife and young children turning the garden into a little sanctuary for them to hang out in. Like many people, they were properly focusing on all the wonderful nature that surrounds us for the first time in years. Chris’s 8 year old daughter had commandeered his old Canon Camera and was taking hundreds of lovely photos of the flowers in bloom, bugs, birds and lots of things in the garden. One very quiet and calm evening Chris spotted some beautiful pink clouds that looked like a monkey and a bear. He took photos of them and on a whim drew very simple pencil lines on them and posted them on Twitter and Instagram. There was a wonderful, positive reaction to them so Chris decided to keep making new ones every day. – [Artist Statement]
Weitere dieser Wolkenzeichnungen gibt es auf dem Instagram-Account @adailycloud zu sehen und im Online-Shop lassen sich auch Prints kaufen. Chris Judge hat zudem auch einen separaten Account sowie eine eigene Website.
Quelle: „Inspiration Grid“
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