Etliche Male gesehen und mitgelitten – die kreativen Fallen, die Kevin McAllistor in Eigenkonstruktion entworfen hat, um sein Allein-zu-Haus vor Einbrechern zu schützen, haben für so manche Lacher und vor allem „Autsch!7-Ausrufe gesorgt. Doch was könnte da wirklich an Verletzungen (nebst offenkundiger Verbrennungsmuster) gegeben sein? Doctor Mike schaut, reagiert und erklärt. Hoden-Darstellung inklusive…
„It’s the holiday season so I wanted to react to some of my favorite Christmas movies, Home Alone 1 and 2. I saw DistractifyYT brought on several doctors to react to the injuries in these movies several years ago, so props to them for the idea! In taking my crack at it, I discuss all sorts of traumatic injuries suffered by Harry and Marv, such as concussions, burns, testicular torsion, slips, falls, and the all-too-common holiday injury of an iron smashing your face. Oh, and nails in your foot. And bricks hitting your skull! Ouch… enjoy!“
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