"Arctic Spring Lights"

Arktische Polarlichter in 4K

Arktische Polarlichter in 4K arctic-spring-lights

So schön!

„Senja island is located roughly 250km North of the Arctic Circle at 69 degrees of latitude North. It is home to some of the most spectacular northern lights on the planet because it lies right in the middle of the auroral oval, this donut-shaped ring around the poles of the Earth where the aurora is created. The 2018-2019 aurora season was no exception to the rule. Even if we are in a period of ‘low auroral activity’ because of our place in the solar activity cycle, we have had absolutely tremendous aurorae this season. All good things come to an end though. Believe it or not this short film was taken from April 1st till April 10th 2019, most of the shots from 11pm and 2:30am. In some sequences the moon was also setting over the mountains but you might wonder why the sky is so bright in the middle of the night!“

via: vimeo

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