Das Indianapolis Museum of Art fand seinen Art & Nature Park etwas trist. Zu viel Platz, zu wenig Kreativität. Abhilfe schaffen sollte das Design Studio Vision Division. Heraus gekommen ist eine 30 Meter lange Verbindung aus Natur und Kunst. Der Swing Tree besteht aus einem Pappelstamm und besitzt diverse Schaukelelemente entlang. Sehr stylische Installation, die definitiv Eindruck machen dürfte.
„The design is based on the universal notion that you need to sacrifice something in order to make something new. Every product is a compound of different pieces of nature, whether it is a cell phone, a car, a stone floor or a wood board; they have all been harvested in one way or another. Our project is about trying to harvest something as gently as possible so that the source of what we harvest is displayed in a pure, pedagogic and respectful way—respectful to both the source itself and to everyone visiting the building.“
via: fubiz
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