Im Zeitraum von zwei Jahren hat Patrick Dias an dem kurz(weilig)en Film „Missed Connections“ gearbeitet, an dem mir vor allem die gut getimete Erzählweise gefällt.
„With narration sourced from a real Craigslist Missed connections ad, and visually wrapped with a fictional narrative—this is a story of a space captain late for his own launch, and the woman who was at the right place but at the wrong time.“
Einiges an Concept Art und weiteren Informationen zur Entstehung von „Missed Connections“ gibt es auf Behance zu sehen.
Patrick Dias – Director
Tiana Asperjan – Voice
Jason Stamatyades – Sound
Adam Henderson – Character + Run cycle animations
Paige Clark – Pommies + Wc Donald’s ad animations
Karolina Ficek – Robots + TV animations
Janet Mac – Happy Jelly Pet ad, Critique + Moral support
Sarah Talunay – Moral support
Patrick Dias – Character + Clean up ani, Story + 2D + 3D design, Compositing
Quelle: staffpicks
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