Niemand geringeres als Hiromasa Yonebayashi, der ehemalige Studio Ghibli-Filmemacher sowie frühere Student am Kanagawa College of Art, hat mit aktuellen Studierenden der Hochschule den animierten Kurzfilm „金沢美大 新キャンパス移転プロモーション映像“「With All Our Hearts」geschaffen. Eine schöne Hommage an die Macht der Fantasie!
„Kanazawa College of Art is scheduled to move to a new campus in 2023. In December 2020, the short animation „With All Our Hearts“ was completed with the aim of publicizing the new campus. This work was created by Hiromasa Yonebayashi, an animation director who studied at the College and also a visiting professor, collaborating with 20 students. It is an original story directed by Yonebayashi based on the images and ideas that the students had in mind.“
Quelle: iamag
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