
Animierter „Covid Loop“

Animierter "Covid Loop" covid-loop-short-animation

Im April hatte die World Health Organization Kreative dazu aufgerufen, Werke einzureichen, die aufmerksam auf die Coronavirus-Pandemie und ihre Tücken machen sollten. Yuval Haker hat „Covid Loop“ eingereicht, eine sehr stimmige und stimmende Animation, die irgendwo zwischen PSA und Kurzfilm daher kommt.

„A contagious virus shows us just how connected we truly are. Each panel of the comic is a vignette – separate locations linked through character contagion. The animation ultimately forms a loop for the next wave to begin.“

In einem kurzen Behind-the-Scenes-Video erhalten wir ein paar Einblicke in die Entstehung der Animation:

„The initial style idea was sketchy and loose to accommodate the tight deadline, but I ultimately kept refining the piece that by the time I got to animating, WHO’s deadline had come and gone. Paid freelance work had slowed, giving me time to focus on this piece (this was nerve racking) but after a month and a half I finally got booked (thank the good lord). That’s when I brought on talented peeps to help bring the piece to life.“

Hier noch ein paar weitere Ausführungen Yuval Hakers zum Projekt:

Process: Creating a micro-world with its own set of rules helped determine narrative and action. The comic strip is a self-imposed limitation. With these hard boundaries in place, the characters could “break the rules” – flow between panels and take control of their frames. Ex. the lifter uses the comic divider for weight lifting, the punk’s frame turns into a phone, etc.

During the animatic phase, I used a red square to keep track of where the main action was happening. Even when the viewer’s attention shifts to the next panel, the characters left in the “inactive scenes” keep themselves busy by sipping coffee, coughing, etc.

Music: Micha created the music track and used the repetitive sound of the heart rate monitor as the musical backbone and layered goovy synth, bass and drums on top. Micha masterfully tweaked the music between every frame (techno in the gym, experimental heavy metal in the concert). The lighthearted track gradually strips away until we are left with the lone heart rate monitor.

Quelle: zwentner

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