Was Grafik und Simulations-Berechnung mittlerweile drauf hat, bemerkt man oft an den kleinen Dingen. TeranGroup hat jüngst eine Technik vorgestellt, die Backwaren darstellen kann. CGI, die das Zerlaufen des flüssigen Teigs genauso simulieren kann, wie das Aufbacken, das Aufbrechen der Kruste oder auch das Zerreißen des Endbackwerkes. Und Thermodynamik wird auch noch dargestellt. Wahnsinn!
„We present a Material Point Method for visual simulation of baking breads, cookies, pancakes and similar materials that consist of dough or batter (mixtures of water flour, eggs, fat, sugar and leavening agents). We develop a novel thermomechanical model using mixture theory to resolve interactions between individual water, gas and dough species. Heat transfer with thermal expansion is used to model thermal variations in material properties. Water- based mass transfer is resolved through the porous mixture, gas represents carbon dioxide produced by leavening agents in the baking process and dough is modeled as a viscoelastoplastic solid to represent its varied and complex rheological properties. Water content in the mixture reduces during the baking process according to Fick’s Law which contributes to drying and cracking of crust at the material boundary. Carbon dioxide gas produced by leavening agents during baking creates internal pressure that causes rising. The viscoelastoplastic model for the dough is temperature dependent and is used to model melting and solidification. We discretize the governing equations using a novel Material Point Method designed to track the solid phase of the mixture.“
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