Jordan Liles hat ein paar alte Fotos erstanden. Sehr alte Fotos. Aber wie alt genau? Eine grobe Ära zu nennen, schafft vermutlich so ziemlich jede/r, aber er wollte es genau wissen. Mit ganz genauem Blick und viel Recherche wollte er bestimmen, wann genau diese drei in New York City entstandenen Fotografien entstanden sind. Eine interessante Rätselei!
„How do you figure out when old New York City photos were captured? In 2019, I purchased these three old New York pictures from eBay that were from the same album. One was captured from Park Row near New York City Hall while the other two were shot on the Brooklyn Bridge. Upon scanning the photos, I realized they were higher resolution prints than I first realized. All three also had similar handwriting on the front. I was able to find clues in all three pictures that led me to come to the strongest possibility of a year, but I even was able to find a month and day.“
Quelle: Marco, der anhand kleinster Details erkennen kann, wie alt ein Pizzastück bereits ist.
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