Adele-Quarantäne-Parodie: “Hello (From The Inside)" hello-from-the-inside-adele-coronavirus-parodie

Eigentlich dienen Parodien ja hauptsächlich der Belustigung. Und auch wenn dieser Clip hier sicherlich zu unterhalten weiß, so fühlen wir denke ich vor allem alle mit, wenn Chris Mann aus seiner Isolation und dem wohnungseigenen Fenster heraus von all dem trällert, dem er gerade entbehren muss. Das sind natürlich oftmals triviale Dinge, aber in einem Restaurant einen Burger essen oder einfach mal Freunde in einer Bar treffen oder ins Kino gehen – das hätte schon wieder was! Jedenfalls eine sehr gelungene Parodie des Adele-Hits „Hello“ in der „(From the Inside)“-Version.

Ihr wollt mehr? Mann hat auch noch den Klassiker „My Sharona“ in „My Corona“ umgetauft:

„Hello (From the Inside“ Lyrics:

It’s me
I’m in California dreaming about going out to eat
Just a burger
With cheese
Or a shaken margarita, baby back ribs from Chili’s
Can you hear me?
I am shouting out to neighbors who I used to like to see
When we were outside
And free
Is there something else to watch
Besides the news and Finding Dory
There’s social distance between us
And I’m freaking out
Hello from the inside
It’s just me and myself and I
And a Stay Home order that’s breaking my heart
But it’s clearly what we should have done from the start
Hello from Corona life
I’ve FaceTime called a 1,000 times
To show you I’m sitting right here on the couch
What’s the point of putting on pants anyhow, anymore?
How are you?
Do your fingers hurt from scrolling through
All the cat memes on your iPhone?
I hope that you’re well
Did you ever make it out of that town
Before they closed the Costco?
It’s no secret that the both of us
Haven’t showered yet
Hello to Corona life (Corona life)
They’re saying stay home till July? (til July)
Jesus Christ, Almighty
Can you please send me strength?
I’m so sick and tired
Of my own Goddamned face
Hello from self quarantine (quarantine)
I’m begging Amazon to please (Amazon to please)
After sending more soap, can you please figure out
How to send a box of my friends to my house?
I’m so bored
(Help! Help! Help! Help!)
Ooh, I’m so bored
(Help! Help! Help! Help!)
Ooh, I’m so bored
I’m so bored! (Help! Help!)
Hello from the inside
It’s just me and myself and I (Myself and I)
And a Stay Home order that’s breaking my heart
But it’s clearly what we should have done from the start
Hello from Corona life (Corona life)
I’ve FaceTime called a 1,000 times
To show you I’m sitting right here on the couch
What’s the point of putting on pants anyhow, anymore?

Quelle: boredpanda

Beitrag von: Maik Freitag, 3. April 2020, 15:20 Uhr

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