StruckDuck hat ein paar Skulpturen 3D-gedruckt, die aus einer bestimmten Perspektive betrachtet eigentlich Undinge der Logik darstellen. Beeindruckend an optischen Illusionen wie diesen finde ich ja, dass die selbst ihre Wirkung entfalten, wenn man weiß, dass man da gerade an der Nase am Auge herumgeführt wird.
„Check out these 5 impossible objects Illusions that I made with 3D printing! When you look at optical illusions what do you see? Usually you see an optical illusion drawing or an optical illusion painting but you rarely see an optical illusion sculpture! I have made several impossible object illusions in real life with 3D printing to share with all of you. Can you pass the impossible objects test? How can someone build impossible objects illusions? You have to find the perfect perspective to see the illusion art correctly.“
Quelle: „The Kids Should See This“
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