Im „Dog’s Trust Ireland“-Tierheim in Dublin gab es dieses Jahr zu Weihnachten eine richtig tierische Bescherung. Dabei durften 35 der dort betreuten Hunde sich jeweils selbst ein neues Spielzeug aus einer ganzen Reihe (oder genauer geschrieben: drei Reihen) an Reizvollem heraussuchen. Wundervolle Bilder!
„This year we combined toy donations from our staff and amazing supporters, lined them up and let the dogs in our Rehoming Centre pick their own Christmas present. As you will see, deciding on which toy was a big decision for some dogs and some delighted in the squeakiest toy they could find – you’ll need sound on to appreciate their joy in full effect. We hope this makes you smile as much as we did recording the dogs have so much fun!“
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